Here are some pics of Miley Cyrus that have a lot of Hannah Montana Fans upset...What do you think? It's definitely not as bad as Vanessa Hudgens pics or Jamie Lynn Spears being pregnant!
It's that time of year again and Santa is getting a little help from the hit music channel Z96.3. Kidd Kraddick in the Morning is granting wishes for individuals and families who need a little extra holiday cheer. If you know anyone who could really use a wish come true this year, let us know here.
Here is Ashley Tisdale lip-synching and making Ashlee Simpson's Hoe-Down performance on Saturday Night Live look like art. Here it is...What do you think?
You know the Chocolate Rain Guy? Well now Dr. Pepper is paying him to do You-tube videos for them...I know kinda' depressing. Check out "Cherry Chocolate Rain" below.
Check out the brand new Kinsey CD...Kidd tell's you a little more about it:
"JC and I were meeting before a concert and he brought Kinsey, who I had met but not really talked to. Just as I sat down, the waiter brought Kinsey her tortilla soup in a cavernous bowl. She rolled her eyes at JC (a comment on the portion size) and dipped her spoon in and took her first sip. She then put the spoon down and declared for the table, "I'm So...Full." I thought she was making a joke. She wasn't. When the nachos arrived, Kinsey turned to her boyfriend and said the phrase that is now famous: "JC, WHAT THE HELL?" Since then, conversations with Kinsey have given me some of the show's best material! Now JC and Kinsey are in therapy, working out their many issues and in the process, re-live some of their more, umm, memorable moments. Will the couple fix their problems just like everyone on Kinsey's fave show the OC? Will JC learn why he's "so stupid"? Will Kinsey EVER have babies with him? Hey, quit being so nosey buy the CD and find out!"
How can we not post this video...If you missed the Kidd's Kids Day shows today and Friday here is just a small sample of what you missed out on. Can't wait 'til Kidds Kids Day Next year!
Here are the Jonas Bros. performing "3000 years" on Kidd Kraddick in the Morning. Peep the crazy 13 year's like a bad zombie movie. Atleast they didn't trip and fall like they did on the AMA's! I gotta' admit...I really like these guys!
Here's the preview for Jessica Simpson's New Movie "Major Movie Star." This looks bad that I would almost rather watch Ashlee Simpson "Seventh Heaven" re-runs...Here ya' go...what do you think?
It's the hottest ticket in America. You can't buy them for less than $200 a pop resale. But Kidd Kraddick in the Morning has 4 FREE TICKETS to see Hannah Montana, airfare on Southwest Airlines and a penthouse suite at the Residence Inn by Marriott Las Colinas for the winner of the Hannah MANtana contest.
Dads across the country entered to win by dressing up and performing on video as Hannah Montana MANtana. We had over 100 brave entries! It was hard to choose, but we were finally able to agree on the top 6 Hannah MANtana videos. Now it's up to you to choose the winner.
In his first interview since his racist tirade Dog the Bounty Hunter explains to Sean Hannity why he said the word and claims to have realized "He's not black." Big revelation Dog! Check out the entire interview below to hear the rest of this crazy interview and his explanation:
So Kidd and the Z have score four Hannah Montana tickets to giveaway with airfare and a hotel stay, and with Hannah Montana tickets at a couple thousand a piece on ebay these are a relatively hot item. What will people do to score them? How about the dad of the family dressing up as Hannah "Man"-Tana and performing a Hannah Montana song. Well, we have already received several entries so here are a few of the best and to kick things off Big Al and JC show us how it's done...
Here's Big Al and JC:
Here's our other entries:
These are just a few of the best. Get your video entry in now to win the tickets...check out the Z main to see how you can score the tix from Kidd Kraddick in the Morning and the Z!
Last friday was one of the best Kidd Kraddick shows ever...We had Blue October and the Shiny Toy Guns performing live in the studio. In case you missed it here are some pics and some performances from the show! Enjoy and don't miss Kidd Kraddick every single day 6am-10am on the Z!
Blue October rockin' the studio!
Big Al and Justin from Blue October!
Taylor and the lead singer of Blue October!
Kidd can't handle rock shows like he used too! Thank goodness Justin from Blue October could walk him out of the studio!
Here's Blue October performing their new single "Calling You"
Here's the Shiny Toy Guns with their song "Le Disko"
By popular demand here is the entire "Dial Z for Murder" for your listening pleasure...Congratulations to Mikaela Speier taking home $1300 bucks from all our sponsors who you will hear in the show!
Last night at Briggs Auto Lane, Z96.3 teamed up with Animal House Pets and Eastside Market for our Pet Costume Contest! Check out these costumes!
"Say Hello to my Little Friend"
At First I thought this dog was being attacked by Elmo...then I realized he was dressed up as a hermit crab!
I don't really know what this dog is going as...but he sure knows how to strike a pose...He graduated from the Derek Zoolander School of Really Really Good Looking Dogs...Blue Steel!
Somebody's Camera shy...
Something tells me those aren't the dogs real hands...
This Dog really took the Elvis thing serious...He kept demanding Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches.
Thanks to Animal House Pets, East Side Market, Briggs Auto Lane for all the help!
Last Thursday we gave away a brand new 2007 Ford Edge from Dick Edwards Ford and the Manhattan Town Center! Over 80 contestants came out to win the car, but only one walked away a winner!
The Crowd Gathers!
The 2007 Ford Edge!
Our First Contestant was more than a little disappointed!
Could It Be? No Car for You!
Could the third time be the charm?
Congratulations! Valerie Sherwood You've got a brand new Car! I didn't sound too much like Rod Roddy there did I?
Last week a new Car! This week $1300 bucks! Keep it locked to the Z for your chance to win Big!
This is the preview from the new Paris Hilton flick "Repo: The Genetic Opera." Don't exactly know what it is about but it looks bad...Not to mention this is from the same studio that gave us four Saw Movies. Good news for Paris- She's not the worst thing about this movie! There are just so many more things wrong with this preview!
Kidd Kraddick had on Pete from Fall Out Boy, Travis From the Gym Class Heroes, and up-and-comer Sara Bareilles all on the show this morning! To hear all the fun and performances check out the K-Pod!
A group of Britney Spears fan have started a myspace with the point being- to not buy her new album Blackout. If your like Huh? Well, Let them explain it to you...
"Let’s be proactive…let’s help! We are calling for a “boycott” simply for now. This is in no way to hurt anybody or to help ourselves. This is just an idea, a suggestion, that may be exactly what Britney needs. As we can all see things aren’t going great for her and there have been many attempts by many people to help in any way they see necessary. It’s not working. Let’s show Britney how much we love her and support her by NOT BUYING HER ALBUM…for now. The point of this is to help her realize what’s most important in her life right now, and it’s not the music or the fans. It’s herself and those two beautiful little boys. Again, this is only a suggestion. We can’t force you to buy, or not to buy, but the continued support of her career perpetuates the idea that this erratic behavior, less than Britney-par performances, and even the loss of custody of her children is ok. Hopefully we can make enough of a difference to make it clear to her that we want her to get well before she embarks on being the phenomenon we all hope her to be again!"
Here is Kellie's Date for Dancing with the Stars...Kellie even let him hold her baby Emma Kelly today on the radio! The big question over the next three days- Will there be a Love Connnection?
Yesterday the Z was out at the Manhattan Town Center where we gave away a $1000 Dollar shopping spree! Our winner was Kelly Griffin from Manhattan and she had twenty minutes to spend the cash! If you came out and didn't win don't worry you can still get registered to win a 2007 Ford Edge from the Manhattan Town Center and the Z! Listen everyday at 12:20 for the Retro Rewind to get registered!
Here's some pics from yesterday....
Why do our listeners always put the Z sticker on their bums?
Here's a couple listeners who claimed to be "18" so that they could sign up for the shopping spree...Later on I put them on the radio and they gave a shout out to all their friends at Eisenhower Middle School. Nice try guys...
The crowd waits with anticipation...
and waits...
and the winner is...
Kelly Griffin from Manhattan!
Kelly only took ten minutes to buy an XBox 360, a copy of Halo 3 and a brand new Diamond Necklace.